Percussion How-Tos

How To: Play the Djembe

A step by step lesson on how to play call and response exercises with the West African Djembe drum. These exercises are meant to deepen listening skills and will also assist you in learning the building blocks of how to create great solos with your Djembe.

How To: Master bass drum technique

In this video drum lesson, you will learn the two most popular bass drum techniques. This includes the heels-up and heels-down methods. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is highly recommended that you learn both methods.

How To: Play ghost notes

This drum lesson gives a complete overview of ghost notes. In it, you'll learn how to identify and play these subtle notes within dynamic drum beats. You'll also learn the difference between ghosted and non-ghosted notes within a looped beat.

How To: Play jazz drum beats

This drum lesson teaches six popular jazz drumming beats that you can use at your next jazz gig. They build upon the basic jazz pattern covered in one of our previous drum lessons, and take your independence to the next level. Play jazz drum beats.

How To: Play punk drum beats

This lesson covers some of the most popular punk drum beats. Many of the patterns are relatively simple, but can still be challenging. This is due to the fact that they are typically played at fast tempos when performed in punk rock music. Play punk drum beats.

How To: Play funk drum beats

This video covers six popular funk drum beats that you can use when playing at a funk gig! Funk is a popular style of music that has a lot of similarities to rock, especially as far as drums are concerned. Play funk drum beats.

How To: Do the double paradiddle

Learn the double paradiddle rudiment and a technique to "spice it up" a bit in this online video drum lesson. The double paradiddle is simply a rudiment to practice to improve coordination but can be used in your everyday playing.

How To: Read basic drum set music

In this drum lesson you will learn to apply what you already know about reading single-drum music to reading multiple drum music, or drum set music. In order to do this lesson, you should already have an understanding of quarter notes and 8th notes.

How To: Read dotted halves and quarters

Learn to read and play dotted half notes and dotted quarter notes. In order to do this drum lesson you already need to have an understanding of quarter notes, 8th notes and 16th notes and their respective rests. You will need the Beat Sheet in order to do this lesson. Get the Beat Sheet here:

How To: Read 3/4 time signature

Learn to read and play drum music written in the 3/4 time signature. In order to do this drum lesson, you already need to have an understanding of quarter notes, 8th notes, 16ths notes and their corresponding rests. You will also need the Beat Sheet for this lesson.